Sunday, September 9, 2012

How To Deal With Lots of Detail

This drawing with all the teeth and wrinkles looks complicated.
It's easier to see if you break it down first into it's largest major shapes.
See that? Much easier to deal with
If you are doing layouts or animation of successful poses with this much detail, it's best to do each pose with the simpler shapes first. Then after all the poses move nicely from pose to pose, you can add in the detail after. -***Wrapping the details around the larger forms

like individual teeth within the larger blocks of teeth.

Make sense?

Profiles Slab N Ernie

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Donald Bastard Step by Step Construction

This is how to draw Donald from the front, but the general procedure should be used for all your drawings. Big forms first - then wrap the details around them.

***Note*** Always connect the head and neck to the body - even when you don't see the neck because it is behind something.

step 7 above is not the clean-up stage. It is just the final constructed rough. When the clean artist gets the pose, he or she should also understand how forms and details work.