Monday, September 10, 2012

Any Toonboom Inkers Familiar with my style?

Hi folks

I'm getting started on the cartoon here.

If you have already inked some of my characters in the past and can use Toonboom Animate I might have some scenes for you to work on.

[ink_05.jpg]Here are some inking tips:
I had a good post on how to ink faces - using inks by the amazing Brian Romero, but the images seem to have disappeared from the page. They must have been from a blog post of his that he has since deleted.


  1. I've already commented on your main blogger, but I'm really interested in inking one of your drawings. I feel I could learn a butt load by doing so.

    1. Hello John,

      Here's a second attempt of inking some of your characters. I tried to capture the colors from a screen shot I found. I know there's some mistakes. But would like to learn to do this correctly. Check it out.
      Carlos Inking Second Attempt


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